Suiheisha History Museum - Past Exhibitions in the Special Exhibition Room
Suiheisha History Museum - 16th Original Temporary Exhibition
gShinranfs Teachings and Those Involved in the Suiheisha Movementh
4 December 2015 (Fri.) - 10 April 2016 (Sun.)
cosponsored with the Nara Parish of the Jodo-Shinshu Hongwanji-ha
Culture Exhibition
gHOTTA Naoko: Monochrome Ink Paintings with Some Colorsh
6 October 2015 (Tue.) - 8 November 2015 (Sun.)
Suiheisha History Museum - 18th Original Temporary Exhibition
gMake the Founding Declaration of the Zenkoku Suiheisha the Memory of the Worldh
1 May 2015 (Fri.) - 13 September 2015 (Sun.)
Suiheisha History Museum - 15th Original Temporary Exhibition
gSexuality and Life: Think about a diversity of sexualityh
4 December 2014 (Thu.) - 5 April 2015 (Sun.)
Culture Exhibition
gSketches of Human Rights Spots in Gose - TANAKA Atsumih
7 October 2014 (Tue.) - 9 November 2014 (Sun.)
Suiheisha History Museum - 17th Special Exhibition
gDiversity of the Suiheisha Movementh
1 May 2014 (Thu.) - 15 September 2014 (Mon.)
Suiheisha History Museum - 14th Original Temporary Exhibition
gHuman Rights through Arth
10 December 2013 (Wed) - 23 March 2014 (Sun.)
10 December (Tue.) - 7 February (Fri.):
Exhibition of the works of Mr. NAKAI Bunpei (Nara University High School)
11 February (Tue.) - 23 March (Sun.):
Exhibition of the works of Mr. HAMAKI Eiji (Kashihara City Miminashi Elementary School)
Culture Exhibition
gSketches of Human Rights Spots in Gose - TANAKA Atsumih
25 September 2013 (Wed.) - 25 November 2013 (Sun.)
Suiheisha History Museum - 16th Special Exhibition
gLearning History of Buraku Districts - What is discrimination?h
1 May 2013 (Wed.) - 31 August 2013 (Sat.)
Suiheisha History Museum - 13th Original Temporary Exhibition
gThe Movement of the Nara Prefectural Suiheisha - Its universality and uniquenessh
10 December 2012 (Tue.) - 24 March 2013 (Sun.)
Memorial Exhibition for Lawyer Mr. TAKANO Yoshio
gHis personality and lawyer activitiesh
25 September 2012 (Tue.) - 11 November 2012 (Sun.)
Suiheisha History Museum - 15th Special Exhibition
g90 Years History of the Suiheisha Movement and the Buraku Liberation Movementh
2 May 2012 (Wed.) - 31 August 2012 (Fri.)
Suiheisha History Museum - 12th Original Temporary Exhibition
gYamato Doshi Kai and the Reconciliation Movement - On the eve of the creation of the Zenkoku Suiheishah
10 December 2011 (Sat.) - 25 March 2012 (Sun.)
Suiheisha History Museum - 14th Special Exhibition
gThe Road to the Creation of the Zenkoku Suiheishah
1 May 2011 (Fri.) - 31 August 2011 (Wed.)
Suiheisha History Museum - 11th Original Temporary Exhibition
gKorea and Japan - 100 years since ethe annexation of Koreafh
10 December 2010 (Fri.) - 27 March 2011 (Sun.)
Original Temporary Exhibition for Educational Support
gHave You Known These? - the Buraku issue for beginnersh
22 September 2010 (Wed.) - 21 November 2010 (Sun.)
Suiheisha History Museum - 13th Special Exhibition
g1910 High Treason Incident and the Buraku Issue - Focusing on the Kumano and Shingu groupsh
1 May 2010 (Sat.) - 31 August 2010 (Tue.)
Suiheisha History Museum - 10th Original Temporary Exhibition
gTanba Mangan Kinenkan [Tanba Manganese Mine Memorial Museum]h
10 December 2009 (Thu.) - 28 March 2010 (Sun.)
Suiheisha History Museum - 12th Special Exhibition
gHave You Known These? - the Buraku issue for beginnersh
1 May 2009 (Fri.) - 30 August 2009 (Sun.)
Suiheisha History Museum - 9th Original Temporary Exhibition
gExploring the Starting Point of eDowaf Education [education to eliminate discrimination against Buraku people] - From the anti-discrimination perspectivesh
26 November 2008 (Wed.) - 29 March 2009 (Sun.)
Suiheisha History Museum - 11th Special Exhibition
gWhat was the Emancipation Edict for Disadvantaged Buraku Districts?h
1 May 2008 (Thu.) - 28 September 2008 (Sun.)
Suiheisha History Museum - 8th Original Temporary Exhibition
gHistory of the Special Exhibitions and Original Temporary Exhibitions of the Suiheisha History Museumh
11 December 2007 (Tue.) - 23 March 2008 (Sun.)
Suiheisha History Museum - 10th Special Exhibition
gThe Emancipation Edict and the Suiheisha Movementh
2 May 2007 (Wed.) - 31 August 2007 (Fri.)
Suiheisha History Museum - 7th Original Temporary Exhibition
gHistory and Culture of the Ainu Peopleh
10 December 2006 (Sun.) - 25 March 2007 (Sun.)
Suiheisha History Museum - 9th Special Exhibition
gEternal Boy Fighter Who Ran through the Suihei-sen [horizon] - YAMADA Konojiroh
2 May 2006 (Tue.) - 31 August 2006 (Thu.)
Suiheisha History Museum - 6th Original Temporary Exhibition
gRyukyu and Okinawa - History of the Uchinanchu [Ryukyu/Okinawa people]h
10 December 2005 (Sat.) - 26 March 2006 (Sun.)
Suiheisha History Museum - 8th Special Exhibition
gThe Suiheisha Movement during the Warh
1 May 2005 (Sun.) - 31 August 2005 (Wed.)
Suiheisha History Museum - 5th Original Temporary Exhibition
gWomen who Lived in Discriminationh
10 December 2004 (Fri.) - 27 March 2005 (Sun.)
Suiheisha History Museum - 7th Special Exhibition
gThe Beauties of Nature for SAIKO Mankichih
1 May 2004 (Sat.) - 31 August 2004 (Tue.)
Suiheisha History Museum - 4th Original Temporary Exhibition in commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the creation of the Hyeongpyengsa
gThe Creation of the Hyeongpyengsa [an autonomous anti-discrimination organization in the Korean peninsula] and Current Discrimination against Baegjeong peopleh
10 December 2003 (Wed.) - 28 March 2004 (Sun.)
Suiheisha History Museum - 6th Special Exhibition
g70 Years since the Takamatsu Lawsuit against Discrimination in Marriage - Remaining discrimination in marriageh
1 May 2003 (Thu.) - 31 August 2003 (Sun.)
Suiheisha History Museum - 3rd Original Temporary Exhibition
gHansenfs Disease - 90 years of discrimination and segregationh
28 January 2003 (Tue.) - 30 March 2003 (Sun.)
Original Temporary Exhibition
g50 Years History of the Nara Prefectural Research Council for Dowa Education - In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of its creationh
10 September 2002 (Tue.) - 4 November 2002 (Mon.)
Suiheisha History Museum - 5th Special Exhibition in commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the creation of the Zenkoku Suiheisha
gThose Who Supported the Zenkoku Suiheishah
3 March 2002 (Sun.) - 31 August 2002 (Sat.)
2nd Original Temporary Exhibition
gSupporters of the Zenkoku Suiheisha - Overcoming discrimination from the both sidesh
16 October 2001 (Tue.) - 11 February 2002 (Mon.)
Sponsored by the Suiheisha History Museum
Exhibition of Products of Calligraphy for Child-Rearing
gYou can see the images of child-rearing in characters!h
5 January 2001 (Fri.) - 4 February 2001 (Sun.)
Sponsored by the Association to Think About Child Education
Exhibition of the Original Images of the Illustrations and the Cardboards and Photographs on Human Rights by KURODA Seitaro
gMessages to You Living in the 21st Century - Make the words of human rights echoed!h
12 December 2000 (Sun.) - 24 December 2000 (Sun.)
Sponsored by the Association of the Citizens of Nara Prefecture Who Seek for the Elimination of Discrimination against Buraku People and the Establishment of Human Rights
Supported by Incorporated Foundation Nara Human Rights and Buraku Liberation Research Institute / Nara Prefectural Federation of the Buraku Liberation League
100 Years of History of the Wakigami Elementary School
3 October 2000 (Tue.) - 29 October 2000 (Sun.)
Sponsored by Gose City Wakigami Elementary School
3rd Special Exhibition
gThe World of NAKAGAMI Kenji - From the alleys [of Buraku districts] to the worldh
2 May 2000 (Tue.) - 31 August 2000 (Thu.)
National Exhibition Tours in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of SAIKO Mankichifs Decease
11 January 2000 (Tue.) - 13 February 2000 (Sun.)
1st Culture Exhibition
gThe Works Left by ICHIKAWA Junh
1 December 1999 (Wed.) - 23 December 1999 (Thu.)
1st Original Temporary Exhibition
gStory of How the Suiheisha History Museum Was Bornh
28 September 1999 (Tue.) - 14 November 1999 (Sun.)
2nd Special Exhibition
gBeauty for SAIKO Mankichi - His sense of art and sterling worthh
1 May 1999 (Sat.) - 31 August 1999 (Tue.)
Fusuma-e [pictures painted on sliding paper doors] gCherry-Blossom Viewing at Daigoh
Original Temporary Exhibition
gSpecial Exhibition by the Tanba Mangan Kinenkan [Tanba Manganese Mine Memorial Museum] - We have lived in minesh
1 Nov 1998 (Sun.) - 14 March 1999 (Sun.)
1st Special Exhibition in commemoration of the opening of the Suiheisha History Museum
gReviving Breath of the Predecessors - Kashihara in the pre-modern erah
Theme - Iwasaki Village (current Kashihara, Gose City) in the pre-modern era
1 May 1998 (Fri.) - 30 August 1998 (Sun.)
The Deed on the Special Rights of Buraku People in Kusaba [literally ggrass fieldh] (dated 21 January 1425)