Business card of IHARA Hisashige

The name of IHARA Hisashige appears in the pocketbook of YONEDA Tomi as gIHARA Hisashige, c/o HOSOKAWA Yonezo, 25 Kotobuki-cho, Gyeongseong-bu, Koreah, which confirms that he was then living in Seoul, the current capital of the Republic of Korea. He was reportedly assisting Jang Jipil, who became the chair of the Hyeongpyengsa Reform League in 1924, according to Visiting the Hyeongpyeng Movement, written by a reporter of the Jiji Sinpo, YOSHII Koson, who visited the Hyeongpyengsa in September 1924.
IHARA was born in Oita Prefecture in 1904. Having been influenced by MATUMOTO Jiichiro in Fukuoka Prefecture, who later became the Chair of the Zenkoku Suiheisha, he dropped out of university and went to Korea. After having withdrawn from the Suihei movement and the Hyeongpyeng movement, he became a houseboy of KANEMITSU Yasuo, who was born in Oita Prefecture and was serving as the Minister of Health and Welfare at the time, and received recognition of his capacities. He then served as the official of Tokyo City and the chairman of the board of directors of the National Kokubunji Sanatorium for Tuberculosis and passed away in 1951. The title indicated on IHARAfs business card shows one of his footprints.

Business card of IHARA Hisashige [1 business cards -1 Front]

Business card of IHARA Hisashige [1 business cards -1 Back]

Business card of IHARA Hisashige [1 business cards -2 Front]

Business card of IHARA Hisashige [1 business cards -2 Back]

Business card of IHARA Hisashige [Business card 2-Pack - Front]

Business card of IHARA Hisashige [Business card 2-Pack - Back]